Hans Helmuth
President and CEO
Founder of $multi-million international public relations and advertising company with over 100 employees. Past president of the International People-to-People Organization. Has served as a board member on numerous local, state and national organizations. Educator, speaker, trainer, entrepreneur, humorist, motivator, financial strategist, family man, author, designer/builder, director of enthusiasm and so-so golfer. 45 year Colorado resident.
Ryan Rossell
Account Executive
Anthony Prichard
Video Marketing Manager
My background is in digital marketing and video advertising. I grew up playing soccer, I was an All American football kicker in college which got me into the 2002 NFL draft. Everything I know about business I learned from playing the game of soccer. A good business is like a good soccer team. Everyone is the leader when they have the ball.
Gary Faircloth
Director of Operations
Al Fritts
Frank McLaughlin
Account Executive
Frank Van Bockern
Account Executive