Official Hoosball Game Rules

Two 6 player teams compete against each other in three 10-minute periods, with 2-minute breaks between each period. The team scoring 10 points first wins the game.

If neither team has scored 10 points by the end of the 3rd period the team with the most points wins.

All players must grasp the moving bars while the game is in play and are only allowed to move laterally.

Players must always keep both hands on their respective handles and one foot must be touching the ground while the ball is in play.  No hanging on bar.

Teams are allowed spare players, who may only substitute at intermissions, or in case of injury.

To start the game a non-player (usually a referee) tosses a hoosball directly into the middle of the field, and the game begins.

Teams change sides after each break.

Fouls and Penalties

A foul occurs when a player…

  - Takes hand(s) off, or beyond their designated handle   space;

  -  Kicks the hoosball above a crossbar or over the wall;

  -  Lowers shoulder below the crossbar;

  -  Delays the game to prevent the opposing team from   attempting to score.

After 3 fouls the opposing team’s current goalie makes one attempt to score a point from one end of the court to the other end without any other players on the field.

The referee (ref) has the final say with any challenge of the rules.

Rules court 2A.png